(Under construction)
Kitten's First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes is a sweet board book about a kitten spotting the moon and mistaking it for a bowl of milk. The kitten tries many silly tricks to retrieve the dish but with no luck.
Lost Mitten
Here's a little poem I found on the internet to help us reinforce color names. Naturally I made it a felt board game.

Sense of Touch
In lieu of a sensory bin this time I've filled eight lunch bags each with one of these items/item groups in it. I'll ask each Little to put their hand in the bag. After feeling the contents, I'll ask each to describe and perhaps name the item(s). I've come up with a graph to record what each of the Littles has to say about the experience. Afterwards I will help them with some new tier II vocabulary. I'll try to get them to use these new adjectives throughout the day.
Dress-Up Play
Add thrift store fur coats to the dress-up bin for furry plushie play. I bought cat ear headbands at the Dollar Tree for each child to wear and take home.
We made moonshine 😁😉. A simple recipe really, just white paint and glitter served on a paper plate.
Texture Kittens
Print out (or draw if you have skills) a picture of a kitten. Have the Littles cover it mostly with cotton balls. Feel how soft. Then add a tongue cut from red sandpaper. Start a conversation on opposites.
Reflection Hunt
I took the Littles around the house to do a reflection hunt. They looked for their reflection in everything! I actually set out things like large stainless steel pan lids and some toys and books that had mirrors in them so they could spot them easily. Most of my pictures have children's faces in them but here's some examples that don't.
I took pictures of all our discoveries and later arranged them in a book so the Littles could review them again and again.
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